What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's February now...

Let's have us a baby! I'm so ready... I think!
Domonique was the first to come early.
Kemiah was the fastest labor/delivery.
Xiomara was the latest (7 days late).
Maybe this one will be the first to come ON the due date (Feb 10th).
We shall see.


Natalynn and Paul said...

Come on out baby!!!

Waiting to go into labor is so annoying. Always feeling like you need to be ready at any time to go to the hospital. I hope she comes very very soon! Maybe even tonight :)

Jessie said...

hooray! i guess this baby will come out on the 8th... good luck! and congrats!!

The Fredericks said...

congrats-- you needed to have announced this a while ago though ;) and where is a pic?!