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Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

40 weeks and 6 days

Tomorrow will mark my 41st week (approximately) of this pregnancy. That will be the longest I have ever gone. I had an NST today and an ultrasound to check some things. The baby was very active and everything looks good. They started out saying, "You have lots of options..." Then it came down to, "You can induce tomorrow morning or Saturday morning." They don't want to see me go much later because of the possibilities of the baby dying. So, we have a 9:00 a.m. appointment on Saturday if I don't go into labor on my own Friday. On one side, I'd like to go into labor on my own. Seems to work better for me. On the other hand, I'd like the controlled environment and best chance of epidural with the induction. I guess we'll see. Either way I'll have a baby this weekend and that's the best part!


Jessie said...

congratulations!! baby will be here SOON! how exciting. :) my guess of feb 8th was WAY off. :)

Josh and Kelly said...

Hoping everything goes swimmingly!!! Can't wait to meet her!