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Monday, October 31, 2011

Wild Turkeys

We came home from the library story time Halloween dress up party last Tuesday and saw a flock of wild turkeys in our neighbor's yard across the street. I ran inside to get the camera and took some pictures with my telephoto lens. When I went back inside and looked at them I wasn't happy at all, so I went back outside to cross the street (without my kids, who were absorbed in their new library books at this time) to get some better pictures. I think there was about 20 turkeys in the flock so it really was a lot of fowl. It's always neat to see wild life so close - especially if you feel safe that they won't charge you or anything like that. (I had to be careful around the moose in my yard in Alaska.)

Ben got all excited and wanted to get out the b-b-gun. My goodness!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Wow! Cool - we only see rabbits and deer in our back yard. . . wild turkeys is so fun.

Your kids looked cute all dressed up for halloween . .. hope all is well.