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Friday, July 1, 2011

Domonique is trained!

And she's not yet a year old! No, I don't mean potty trained. Awhile back, I gave in and gave her back her pacifier. (Did I mention that I was trying to get rid of it? Well, I was.) It was helpful while we traveled around a bit. I decided that I didn't want it to be fixed in her mouth all day long so I made it just a sleeping thing. She gets the pacifier when I put her down at nap time, twice a day, and then at night time when I put her to bed. You get the idea. Well, so does she. I get her up and say, "spit out the pacifier." I lean her toward the crib and she spits it out. No fussing or fighting! Hooray. I have also seen her just grab it out of her mouth and toss it back into her bed. Either way is pretty funny to see and I love it! Maybe it will be that easy to get rid of it all together later on. Here's hoping!


Josh said...

I am grateful that none of my kids were thumb-suckers, but at least one (Catalina) was terrible at getting rid of the pacifier.

Our 1-year old (Myra) doesn't seem to care one way or the other. She never cries for the pacifier, but she sure is addicted to her bottle at bedtime! :)

Nicole S said...

My friend always used this trick to get rid of the pacifier... Tie it to a helium balloon and send it to the babies in heaven. Seems better to "share" it than just tossing it out. :)