What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Brilliant Baby

Domonique is really catching on to things. The other day I said, "Where did you put your jammie top?" Then I walked to the kitchen to put something away. When I came out she had brought me her jammie top. Clever little girl! She laughs and plays with the other guys. She gives me hugs and kisses. She has figured out how to nod her head to say "yes" and I think she understands it. She loves to go outside. She also loves to climb up the stairs. She is just so fun!

She doesn't like to touch the grass yet, so her sisters got the great idea of pulling her around in the sled. She loved it and so did they. It was so fun to watch them.

Tonight Emily thought it would be fun to put her in a little box. She actually liked it for a really long time. Emily even sat by her and read stories to her.

She's just too lovable! What a little ham!


Josh said...

What awesome pictures! That last one is a total "ham" picture but those grins are one of my favorite parts of parenthood.

Myra (our 1-year old) doesn't like the grass yet either, but she walks on rocks so what's up with that?! :)

Jessie said...

smarty pants!!