What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Beloved Grammy Jammies

Grammy and Gaffa came out at Thanksgiving so they brought a box filled with jammies with them. It would have to wait until Christmas Eve but now it was the day and we were very excited. Usually, we wait until after dinner but I decided we should do it earlier so we could start enjoying them sooner!

Once I opened the box, there was a letter on top:

For the Grandchildren of the Royal House of Roy
A Grammy Jammy Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, not very long ago,
but very far away, in the Kingdom of Keokuk,
lived a Royal Grammy,
who lived in the Royal Palace of Payne.

One day Grammy was making jammies for her Grandchildren of the Royal House of Roy
when all of a sudden a whirling, twirling whirlwind rushed through
and twirled an whirled everything in sight - including the Royal Grammy
and the royal jammies she was making for her Royal Roy Grandchildren.

When the whirling, twirling whirlwind had danced away,
the Royal Grammy was all topsy, turvy, on top of a bush
and the royal jammies hung from a tree;
all sewn together;
all finished and done!

The Royal Grammy picked herself up and brushed herself off - 
and of course, fixed her hair - 
and the wen to get the royal jammies.
But when she got closer, she couldn't believe her eyes.
The whirling, twirling whirlwind had mixed everything up, and nothing on the jammies matched.
The sleeves were different,
and the pants didn't match,
and there were all sorts of fabrics mixed up on the gowns!

"OH, dear, OH me, OH woe," said Grammy, "what ever shall I do?
"I cannot give these jammies to my Royal Roy Grandchildren!"

But then, you won't believe it, the jammies said to her;
"Why not? We've all sorts of different fabrics in striking colors so true.
We're bold, and bright, and colorful!
Why nothing less would ever do, for your Royal Roy Grandchildren."

The Royal Grammy thought;
then nodded her head, and said, "By golly, I see that's true.
"These jammies are just perfect, for my Royal Roy Grandchildren."

So the Royal Grammy gave the jammies to her Royal Roy Grandchildren.
And every time they wear their jammies to bed,
they have the sweetest dreams come swirling in their head.
And you know, of course, it is because
the whirlwind magic is in them.
For the Royal Roy Grandchildren are all wrapped up in love!

Goodnight, my Roy Grandchildren. Have Wonderful Sweet Dreams!


It was so fun to see the mixed up jammies! Some of the patterns we have never had before, but some we have in our stock pile. What really happened was that Aunt Alise and Aunt Monique helped do some cleaning out at Grammy and Gaffa's house. They found lots of old flannel and suggested that she use the fabric to make this year's Grammy Jammies. She made up the story to help explain the mismatched fabrics. We all think they are wonderful!

These were the ones given to Naomi 2 years ago - 
I figured Grammy didn't need to make new ones.

All lined up...

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