What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Gender Reveal....

Kevin went with me to my anatomy ultrasound today. We drove down to Flint and were excited to see the baby and make sure everything was okay. The technician did all the measurements and we saw the heart beating. For the first time we got to hear the heart beat - I love that sound! Little feet and legs and arms and hands wiggled all over. It was so great to see! Then came the moment - do you want to know what you're having? Yes, please. I was almost afraid the baby wouldn't cooperate but then the technician froze the picture and said, "I think I know what you're having." I looked at the picture and said, "Me, too! It's a girl!" She smiled and agreed. So our last one will be a girl! Kevin and I stopped by Tim Horton's and picked up some doughnuts. We put some pink sprinkles on them when we got home and had all the kids there when we opened the box. Apparently we needed to put on more sprinkles because they didn't really get it but eventually someone said, "It's a girl!" and everyone smiled. Now comes the task of picking the name. Good luck.

Get ready... are you ready?

What? They aren't blue or pink.

The little girls were just excited to see so many doughnuts.

I think Emily figured it out.

Everyone knows we are having another girl!

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