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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Moving the girls around!

Ever since we moved to Saginaw... Actually, ever since we started having kids, they have always slept in the same room together. It was no different when we moved to Saginaw and so for the first couple of years, Ben and all his sisters shared a bedroom. Eventually we moved Ben to his own room. All the girls have been in the same room since then, but we keep adding girls. With the birth of Naomi, we are now up to 8 girls and we decided we needed to split them up. So here are some before pictures.

The girls' room-

The guest room-
(The bed is only in there because Memere stayed here.
That bed goes in Ben's room.)

Here's the big girls' room now-
added desks and table, and moved the dresser
 to put the new bunk beds in the back corner.

Here's the little girls' room now-

They were all very excited and enjoyed sleeping in new places. Xiomara and Kemiah got bigger beds and Marissa and Emily didn't change at all. It is different but I think it is better. Naomi will go in the crib eventually, and there is still an open bed in the quad bunk so she can go there after the crib. We have plenty of space and now we just need to figure out dresser/clothes storage.

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