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Friday, January 6, 2017

She finally lost her first tooth!

Domonique was very excited when she realized one of her teeth was loose. We kept telling her to wiggle it and wiggle it she did. Eventually she got it to the yucky point - where she can push it all the way forward with her tongue. She asked me if I would pull and so I agreed. I tied the dental floss to the tooth and used a toothpick to secure it below the tooth. I had her brace herself and then I counted to three and yanked. It popped right out and she didn't feel a thing so it was really ready to come out. I like that kind much better than the ones that I really have to tug out. Anyway, she was so excited!



I gave her the tooth case to keep it safe and we told her to put it under her pillow. A little while later, I heard her talking about it being gone - missing! OH bummer. She lost her first tooth! How crazy is that?!

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