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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Not so fun!

Harmonie got the throw-up bug. She was able to get it mostly on the couch and floor, but some times she made it to the toilet or into the bowl. I sure don't like this stuff but she was a big girl about it - just taking it as it came and slept a lot. 

(Note: Thurs, Jan 12, was a day I did not capture on film. Emily and Xiomara were both feeling sick and ended up throwing up. Kevin and Ben came home from their early morning routine and both ended up back in bed. Ben eventually threw up but Kevin never did. I had four sick "kids" upstairs and kept the others downstairs to stop the spreading. They mostly slept, or ran to the toilet. Fortunately, by the end of the day they were all feeling much better. I'm so glad it was a quick bug for them.

Also to be noted:  Sunday, Jan 8, Naomi was extra fussing in the middle of the night. She wouldn't settle down for me so I sent Kevin in. She quieted down for a bit but I ended up getting up with her and that when I realized she had thrown up all over one end of her bed and all over herself. I took her downstairs to clean her up and we slept on the couch with a bowl so I could try to catch anymore throw up. I was too slow the next time and she threw up all over me. Bummer. That was about all she had in her tummy but I was faster the next couple of times so it was in the bowl. She did fine at church and was fine that night - except for diarrhea that she had for several days after. She handled it all very well and wasn't too cranky.

It was a tough couple of weeks. I am glad the rest of us missed out on the sickness!)

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