What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Newest wild creature, whom we are fond of

July 23, 2016
We have a new neighbor. We call it Stella. It's a wee bitty baby and doesn't seem to care if we follow it around, and we can get really close.

July 24, 2016
Kevin keeps seeing it at the back door when he comes home so he has to shoo it away before he gets into the house. We followed it around to see where it would go but it just kept trying to hide from us.

July 29, 2016
The kids and I saw it again so we followed it all over.

Yes, it went right through our chain link fence. It is just so tiny!

Yes, Kemiah did eventually grab it. That's when it finally gave off some stink. We sort of figured it couldn't because it hadn't sprayed us the entire time we followed it around. Then Kemiah couldn't take it anymore and she grabbed it (okay, I did say, "Just grab it.") and lifted it off the ground. It wasn't the awful stink you smell when they get hit on the road but it was stinky.

She put it down and it walked away but my kids kept following it. I was trying to clean Kemiah up when Harmonie came in even smellier. I put them both in the tub, took their clothes outside, and proceeded to give them a tomato bath. Just kidding. I poured vinegar on them and rubbed it around. Then I poured hydrogen peroxide on them and rubbed it around. Then I put baking soda all over them and rubbed it around. Then they washed off. Fortunately, that worked like a charm because we left right after to go camping. It would have been a terrible trip if they were still stinky.

August 16, 2016
Stella is not doing well. The kids said she was out back (which is often has been). I went out to see her and she was laying there, just looking dead. I walked up and almost touched her because I was so worried. She lifted her head but I could tell something was wrong.

I brought out the leftover Ramen that my kids wouldn't eat and dumped it on the ground in front of her. She did nothing at first but then went up to it and started to lick it. Then she ate a few noodles. I was so happy inside and thought maybe she would be okay in the end.

We all watched her.

After a bit, she got up to walk away and just sort of stumbled and flopped over. It was so sad. She kept trying and eventually got up and kept walking, but not like she normally does.

She found a puddle of water and got a drink. She was certainly not stable.

Eventually, she made her way to our basketball hoop and stuck her snout into the hole to get another long drink. She just laid there and would put her nose in the water and then pull it out. It was really sad. She ended up under the steps to our front porch. We gave her some dried oats and the kids dug up worms. After some time, she made her way to the end of our driveway, where we have a large puddle. She got another drink.

August 24, 2016
That was the last time I saw Stella. I am thinking she may have gotten into some poison but I really have no idea what happened to our little friend. I have no idea what would have happened if she had grown up and stuck around, but I was so sad to see her so sick and not be able to comfort her more. Good-bye little friend.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

so sad! good bye stella!