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Sunday, May 15, 2016

New batch of mixed chicks!

We decided to try hatching our own chicks again. Kevin filled the incubator with eggs from our own flock. We were excited to see what would happen when a male buff orphington mated with easter eggers, reds, a barred rock and black giants. We were excited to see if we could get more than four to hatch! It is always fun to watch new life begin. They started hatching this morning, so the kids were very excited to get back home after church. 

Definitely have different colors!

They are so cute and sweet!

It will be fun to see how these chicks turn out - coloring, male or female, etc.

Added Note: Out of the 41 eggs that we incubated, 29 of them hatched! I would call that a success. After a few days, we moved the stinky incubator out to the garage and Kevin plugged it in out side. I didn't think we needed to but checked on the few remaining eggs later that day. It was the next day that Ben came to me and told me there was a chick in the incubator! Crazy! He brought it in and it seemed fine. We checked the remaining unhatched eggs and found half were not viable, but the other half had fully formed chicks in them. Not sure why some just don't hatch.

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