What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Visit with Grammy and Gaffa

We were invited to have a visit with Grammy and Gaffa. The nice thing about home schooling is that we can go whenever we want. This visit was a little different - Grammy was diagnosed with cancer and had her first chemo treatment April 4. We went out the week before her second treatment. She was a little tired but mostly her normal self. The kids enjoyed lot of reading and playing and hanging out. We did not go to Nauvoo because the kids just wanted to stay at Grammy and Gaffa's house.

Ben brought his blue wagon to ride down the hill in the backyard, but Gaffa's wagon was better because of it's fat tires. Maybe we should change out our tires.

Ben helped Gaffa around the yard. It's nice to have things to help out with while we are there.

One of the children brought me this nut shell. I was totally amazed and showed it to my dad. He sees them all the time so he was not impressed, until I pointed out the heart shape. I am keeping it to put it on my key chain as a memento of our visit. 

Naomi enjoying the Luna chair and her toys. She's still not mobile so it is nice to set her down and not worry about the stairs.

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