What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Experiments Abound

Ben has decided to be a chocolatier so he has to practice, right? He has begged for days to let him make his own chocolate. I talked him into making fudge (which is what you see on the counter) but that wasn't enough for him. So, today he finished school early and I let him work in the kitchen making his own chocolate. He had a great time and it was fun watching him.

Kemiah begged to do another experiment from her Kitchen Science book. So we froze water in a balloon the other day and today we took it out to play with it. First we sprinkled salt on it to see what would happen. Then we dropped food coloring on it and watched some more. It was really neat to watch and she was a very happy girl.

It was neat to see the color go inside the ice ball.

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