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Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Birth Story of Naomi Marie

My last pregnant belly picture (Oct 25) - 38 weeks.
I would have taken one on Nov 1.
I should have taken a bare belly picture before she was born,
but I was in labor and didn't think of it. 

After all the walking at the Trunk or Treat, we went home and the contractions stopped. If I wasn't walking, I wasn't contracting. We put the kids to bed and Memere, Kevin and I stayed up talking about what to do. I couldn't go to the hospital with these kinds of contractions. I was worried about waiting too long as well so I was a little anxious. Memere went to bed and I kept walking and talking with Kevin. I started timing the contractions but it was just not doing what I thought it should. He eventually went to bed and I sat on the couch timing contractions, as they dwindled away. I went to bed around 11 wondering what tomorrow would bring.

I woke just before 1 with contractions - while laying down and not walking so that was a good sign. Camdilyn cried and Kevin went to put her back to bed. When he came back to bed I told him I was having strong contractions and we decided not to wait any longer. We were off to the hospital around 1:20 a.m. (Happy Halloween!) He was speeding a bit with his hazards on and a cop pulled him over. As the cop came to the window Kevin told him I was in labor with our ninth baby, just trying to get to the hospital. The cop congratulated us, told him to turn off the hazards and good luck.

Once at the hospital, they took us to triage to see how things were progressing. I was at 7 cm and contracting strongly and regularly. They took me to a room with the IV already in. The blood work was drawn soon after I was in my room and now it was just waiting for the epidural. With each contraction I feared I would have the baby without the epidural. They were getting stronger and more painful in my back as well as my belly. At 2:50 a.m. the anesthesiologist came in and I was so happy. I sat up and leaned over and waited. She did a great job and I was relieved immediately. By 3:10 a.m. the pain was subsiding and I was overjoyed! Now I could enjoy the event of bringing my daughter into the world. The doctor broke my water at 3:23 a.m. because the baby's head just wasn't coming down. After she broke my water I thought it would go quickly but it took longer than I thought it would so I was able to take a 2 hour nap. Kevin was too awake so he went out and talked with the nurses and doctors. 

Just before 6 a.m. the nurse came in and checked me. I was 9.5 cm so she left to asked the doctor if she just wanted me to push through it. Kevin got all the tables ready because he knew if they were going to have me push the baby would be there. The doctor came in and said she wanted me to push, so once they were in position, I pushed a little and the doctor and nurse said, "Wait!" I guess they weren't ready. I quit pushing and the contractions just kept pushing on the baby. They quickly got towels and water and then had me push again. I couldn't feel pain but I could feel the head come through, then the shoulders and then the body and legs. She was born at 6:07 a.m. It was joyful and wonderful to have her with us, 8 days before her due date. 

Able to smile after the epidural.

After the delivery...

Sweet Halloween baby!

I was surprised she weighed so much (8 lbs 3.6 ounces).
Since she came 8 days early, I thought she would be smaller.

Dr. Roy checking her over.

Family selfie.

Look at the hair!

She is adjusting to life outside the womb. She was covered with a thick layer of white stuff (Kevin calls it cheese). She latched right away and is a sweet little baby.

Kevin left around 9 a.m. to go home and see how the the kids were doing. He brought everyone to visit us around 10:30 a.m. They were all so excited to see the baby. They were all wanting to hold her and it was hard to wait for their turn.

Me with my adorable children.

Our whole family!

All of my little ones are getting so big.

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