What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Marissa's birthday skirt

We did it! We competed a project in less than a month! I bought the fabric, elastic and thread for her birthday and we made it together. I still did a lot but tried to let her do some. She did the pedal of the sewing machine and helped pin. I bought two shirts to go with it and I think they both look great. The headband is from the leftover skirt fabric but may need a little work because I'm not good at that kind of thing. Anyway, here she is in her new homemade skirt!

At least when we were done she was wanting to do it again so that must be good, right?!


The Fredericks said...

i HATE how old she looks!! cute- but old!

Jeni said...

Looks great!!! It's a good thing she enjoyed making it with you!!!