What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

She turned 2 yesterday!

She is so much fun. They all have been at this age. She is talking so much and really enjoys playing with the guys - her siblings. This year was celebrated a lot like last year - wood working in the morning, swimming in the afternoon, party with cake and presents after dinner, and fireworks to end it off! Differences this year: Grandma and Grandpa Nichols didn't come for the party - but they did make the cake; Dad went with us for the fireworks and we got a much better spot than last year.

This had to be her favorite. She pulled out the book and said, "Elmo!" Then she pushed some buttons and started laughing - more the fake laughing than real but it was so funny. It's a potty training book with Elmo and she really liked it.

Some of the kids made her cards and other paper things. It was fun and I loved hearing what they said in their cards.

We forgot to have her open Grammy and Gaffa's card at breakfast so she did it with the rest of the presents. It was stuck so she had a hard time getting it out of the envelope. Marissa tried to help and then I had to pull it out.

Happy Birthday Domonique!

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