What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Friday, November 25, 2011

First real hair cut

The kids and I went to my sister's house for Thanksgiving, so we had to get hair cuts. For Kemiah and Domonique this was a first. They both did great, so it was a pleasant experience. I was sad to see the blond ends cut from Kemiah's hair but it needed to be done. Domonique just had a bit off the back because she still doesn't really have anything on the top.

Kemiah before:

Kemiah after:

Domonique before:

Domonique after:

All the other kids had cuts, too. Ben's hair was really long so it was quite the change when she cut it off. The other girls just got bangs cut so I didn't take pictures of them. I also got my hair cut, of course. I just can't help myself but nothing crazy, just a straight cut right above my shoulders. Thanks Sis!

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