What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Library crafts

I love it when my kids create some beautiful art work at the library. It really is fun to watch them learn and try new things on their own. Harmonie is pretty independent now, but I still have to tell her which letter to write for her name - but she writes them on her own! 

Camdilyn still requires a little extra help but she wants so badly to do it by herself. I let her do as much as possible and she is okay with that.

I did this one with Naomi. The green part is their fingers traced on the paper. She tolerated me holding her hands down and then she was off.

For Memorial Day we made these poppies. They had so much fun gluing down all the torn pieces of paper.

(Note: We gave these flowers to Grammy in a care package for her recovery from surgery in July. She loves to look at them because they are so bright and cheery.)

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