What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Domonique is delightful

I had a conversation with Domonique a few weeks ago, and I wrote it down because it was funny to me. Before I lose the conversation, I thought I'd write it here to keep it forever. She was putting away the clean dishes and I was doing something in the kitchen.

Me: Don't you know anything?
D: Yes, I do.
Me: What's he like?
D: What?
Me: Is he tall or short? Is he nice or mean?
D: He's very skinny and very tall. Taller than the church.
Me: Wow! That is tall.
D: Taller than heaven.
Me: Oh my! How does he get around?
D: (thinks for a bit) He ducks.

Well, of course he does!

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