Friday, October 19, 2012

Night week

This past week Kevin has been working nights. It's always hard on all of us - he has to sleep during the day and we have to be quiet so he can sleep. We try to stay away most of the time but I had some work to do for school so this is how the kids spent the first day of night week...

The second day we went to the library for story time (our regular activity) but then we went shopping, walked through Historic Bridgeport Village, and went to a park afterwards so we didn't get home until Kevin got up.

The third day we were home in the morning to work on getting wood into the basement but then we headed up north for flu shots, shoppping, playing at another park and grabbed McDonald's for dinner so we could stop at the Church for activities. We didn't get home until bedtime.

The last couple days we've stuck around the house, played games, read more books, moved more wood into the basement, and I got more school plans/work done. Today the kids made these creations:

Ben's islands. The brown pieces are boats in the harbors.

Marissa's islands. The brown pieces are boats. She made hers look like a person picking a flower.

Emily's girl walking her dog.

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