Sunday, October 21, 2012

Johnson's Giant Pumpkin Farm

Tons of pictures in this one! Our friends, Tamara and Steve, came up from Detroit to go to the pumpkin farm. They invited anyone to join them so we decided to do just that. We met up with them at the farm around 2:00 yesterday and it was so fun to see them. We watched the pumpkin launch - the first of four because we were there until 5! It was a bit chilly but I brought hats and some mittens so we made it work.

There's the 40 foot tall trebuchet that launches pumpkins over 400 feet.

This is what happens to the pumpkin when it lands. The coolest part is that you see the pumpkin explode and then hear it a second later. It was just neat to witness the delay between sight and sound.

Chainsaw wood carver. Amazing!

Tiny goats. They were so cute!

Llamas, so soft.

We thought it was cute that the sheep were so interested in Harmonie. Then we noticed it was trying to get our doughnuts underneath her. Tricky sheep!

Here's another launch!

Harmonie got stung by a yellow jacket - you can see the redness above her lip. Can you see how swollen it was? Poor thing.

I love this picture of Domonique. She walked around with her hands in her pockets and it was so cute!

Fancy pigeon!

Pheasants... amazing colors!

Xiomara and Kemiah on top of an old fire engine.

Lots of old farm equipment.

What a cute bunch!

Blacksmith shop.

Watching them make doughnuts! So delicious!

Waiting for the last pumpkin launch of the day, just before we left.

Had to include the series for the last launch. Anyway, we had a great time at the pumpkin farm. It was the most time we spent with Kevin in over week so that was great, too!


  1. i can't believe how HIGH those pumpkins were flying!! what fun.

  2. What a cool pumpkin patch! Don't you just love Fall? I do!

  3. Wow, what a fun pumpkin patch and family outing!!
