Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bridgeport Homecoming

The neighbor kids invited us to the homecoming parade for the high school. We decided to go (10/12) - there was candy involved. We met our friends from the library story time so that was an added bonus. In my opinion we needed to find a different place to watch it though, and we might if we go next year, because we were looking right into the lowering sun. Not really a big deal, except that I couldn't take very good pictures. But really, it is the candy we went for anyway... and to see our neighbor on her class float (not pictured).

The fire engines were really loud.

Domonique had a hard time deciding which was worse - the blazing sun or the loud noises. She tried to protect herself from both.

Hustling to get the loot. Notice Ben is on the sidewalk still... Kemiah was so sweet because she would get two pieces of candy and give one to him.

High School Marching Band. 
Family group shot - that's my shadow so you know I was there!

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