Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A new situation

Harmonie has always preferred to suck her first two fingers on her left hand. She is our second finger sucker (four others were thumb suckers, and we still have one using the pacifier when she sleeps). Anyway, the other day we noticed that Harmonie's middle finger was red. I looked closer and saw this...

It seems to have gotten worse, mostly because it can't heal because she sucks on it quite a bit. So I decided to try and do something to help it heal. I put some ointment on a piece of gauze, put it on the finger and then wrapped the entire hand in an ace wrap.

She can still crawl and play and stuff, but she can't suck on her fingers, so I thought that would help the finger heal. I tried to put her down for a nap with it on, and I gave her a pacifier to replace the fingers. Unfortunately, she didn't go for it. In fact, you can see that she tossed it out of her bed... the white spot on the floor is the pacifier. She normally just chews on and plays with the pacifier so it wasn't filling the void that she felt without her fingers. She wouldn't suck on any of her other fingers so I was at a loss.

I ended up taking the wrap off so that she could go to sleep. Then I snuck in to see if I could swap her fingers for the pacifier. It almost worked but she realized what was going on, pulled it out and automatically put the fingers back in her mouth. Fortunately, she doesn't keep them in her mouth the entire time she is sleeping.

I'm sure this will all work itself out and her finger will heal. It doesn't seem to cause her any pain or discomfort so we'll see what happens. Silly girl.

1 comment:

  1. aw! poor thing! i love the picture of the crib with the paci on the floor! that is just NOT what she wanted. :)
