What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Enough of that already.

It all started last Wednesday, in the middle of the night. Kemiah woke me up with a complaint about her head hurting and her tummy not feeling well. I sat her on the toilet, even though she said she didn't have to go. She went and then got a drink. Then she threw up the water onto the floor. I quickly faced her to the sink for anything else that might come out. She had a fever of 103.1 so I gave her medicine and hoped it would stay down. It did and she was fine the next day! Saturday she threw up again, without any warning, on the kitchen floor. Oh bother. I put her in the tub while I cleaned up the mess. Then cleaned her up. I hoped that was the end but it was only the beginning. I had intestinal pain on Monday. Domonique threw up Tuesday morning and had a fever of 101.3 in the afternoon. Marissa threw up Tuesday night. Kemiah woke up in the middle of the night with a fever on Wednesday. I was sick all that day, Marissa was recovering, and Ben decided he couldn't be left out so he threw up, too. Today we have all been recovering - trying to eat so we can have energy again. I had a doctor appointment so Kevin came home (a friend was going to watch the kids but I didn't want to spread the sickness) and while I was gone Emily threw up. The only one left is Xiomara. I don't know if she'll give in and throw up tomorrow or maybe we'll be done with all this nonsense! I know this is exactly what you wanted to hear about - but really that's what we've been up to the last week! Of course, we also celebrated Kemiah's 4th birthday on Saturday so maybe I'll work on that post tonight.

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