Sunday, December 18, 2016

Huge surprise!

A week or so ago, one of the neighbor kids told my kids that an older neighbor had been in a bad car accident. Kemiah decided to make the man a get well card and asked me if she could take it to his house. I said she could and proceeded to forget about it. Imagine my surprise when our neighbor came over just a day ago and said he wanted to thank my daughter for her card, which he told her helped him get better. He came in and thanked all the kids for being kind to him and explained that he had been a in bad accident and Kemiah's card had brightened his spirits and helped him get better! After that visit, the kids were extra service minded and took him a plate of cookies and tried to help shovel any snow on his sidewalks. He called me after that and asked if he could get them something to share. I said he didn't have to but he could if he wanted to. Imagine our surprise when he showed up with 5 stuffed animals! The sheep and cow on the ends are really big while the three horses in the middle are medium sized. They are all very soft and the girls love them all! It was such a nice gesture and we are certainly trying to remember to care for our neighbor.

Marissa and Emily share the lamb.
Xiomara and Kemiah share the cow.
Domonique claimed the brown and white horse.
Harmonie claimed the black horse.
Camdilyn claimed the brown horse.

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