Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tying up the loose ends.

Once the snow melted, the first time, I found some dead mice near the chicken yard. They were not in one piece so I was baffled as to what had happened. Really strange. I knew there were probably mice hiding and eating and multiplying but hadn't actually seen any. Then I noticed some holes at the bottom of the bails of hay. Since the hay is all over there were some strange holes all over. At first I thought they might be from the chickens and ducks just digging to find food. Today it was all made clear. I was filling the waterer when I heard squeaking. I turned around to see a chicken jump out from behind the plastic pool holding something in it's beak. I stared and realized it was a little mouse. The mouse squeaked again and the other chickens took notice. The one who had "the prize" ran all over the yard trying to hide but other chickens kept bothering her. I stood there, stunned, watching my chickens getting all excited about a little mouse. So, we certainly have mice in the chicken yard. But, I feel a little better knowing that the mouse issue will at least be kept under control as the chickens take care of them. I had no idea the chickens would be interested in mice. I hope they stay interested and continue to catch them so that the population is kept under control - sort of.

1 comment:

  1. eeeeewwwwww now that part on Cinderella in the chicken yard is even more unrealistic- not that the little clothed mice resemble real life at all anyways...
