Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm not sure

which is worse... Since living on the island, I have become very relaxed about having bugs around the house. On the island there was no way to keep them all out. I did fight them and won a lot but they just kept coming. So now, we have boxelder bugs that invade our house during the spring and fall time. Kemiah is the official bug getter and she'll put them in the toilet for us. Unfortunately, Domonique is crawling all over and likes the bugs as well. The most unfortunate part is that they end up in her mouth (of course). Ugh! So, I'm not sure which is worse... the fact that I'm "okay" with the bugs being in my house and we just deal with it or the fact that my baby eats them. The nice thing is that both problems could be solved simply by getting rid of the bugs and keeping them from coming in through the windows. Maybe I'll just put plastic around the windows and let all the bugs die, then collect and clean them up all at once. Or, I heard if you spray soapy water around the windows it will keep them away. I guess all I need to do is actually do something about it.


  1. I would call the bug man, I bet one spraying outside would be enough.

  2. um yuck! it's a toss up- but I think that D eating them is the worst- why do babies think that bugs and sand are yummy?
