Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Making me laugh

So, Xiomara walked into the house with a weed stalk, proud of what she had found/harvested. It was about 1 1/4  inches in diameter and 5 feet 9 inches long. It’s a big weed stalk! Anyway, Ben sees her and gets all distraught because he had already cleaned it and left it standing in hopes that it might get taller and he could use it for some building project. Xiomara apologized because she didn't know he was going to use it and she took it outside. Ben lamented for a bit and then looked at me with a sad face. I said, "Best laid plans of boys and men." Ben quickly responded, "Are always destroyed by women!!!!" and swung his arm toward his departing sister. I laughed right out loud because it was just so perfect and just funny. I have a quick, witty, silly, creative, sarcastic, excitable boy on my hands. Crazy to think he turns 18 next March!