Friday, August 31, 2018

That's one gigantic bug!

The kids found a huge praying mantis... and I do mean huge. It's the biggest one I have ever seen and I never want it to be near me ever. What a crazy looking bug. Why are they so scary the bigger they get? I don't mind the little bitty bugs but these big ones are just creepy. And yet, I look at them in awe because of all the creations my Heavenly Father put on the earth for me to enjoy. Majestic!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Learning to walk!

One of my favorite things is to watch the youngest do the same things that the oldest did (and all the others in between). Benjamin learned to walk this same way, with the same toy. And all the girls did, too! Push the piano as steps are taken, move forward and repeat. Just keep going! What clever little ones. She is not quite 10 months old so she is on the same time table as Ben, too. Crazy little love!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Fruits of the garden

Domonique grew some watermelons. They are sweet and juicy but don't get very bug. I guess that's because we don't water the gardens very often. They sort of have to fend for themselves so the fruit can't get very big. But that smile is so sweet!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Sweet little two year old

To nap, or not to nap.
That is the question.
I know every mother with a two-year-old had this problem.
They are still young and need a nap.
But if they sleep too long, 
they won't go to sleep at night.
If you try to wake them up,
they are groggy and a bit cranky.
Just can't seem to find a middle ground.
So, Naomi found her own middle ground.

I still can't believe she went to sleep,
on the back of the couch.
No child is allowed on the back of the couch,
so why did she pick there to go to sleep?

Silly sweet girl!
Love her to pieces!

Up, up she goes

How can she be ready to climb the stairs? How can she be ready to do so much? She's still so little and just my baby and not quite 10 months old. But here she is, climbing up the stairs all on her own!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

I am so glad I captured this moment

After Emily turned 14, I realized that for a short period of time (one monthly really) we would have the best ages ever. Starting at the youngest we have 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16! That is pretty stinking awesome! Well, at least I thought so but Naomi was less than thrilled to have to do this when we got home from church. Just needed to save this forever!

I finally decided to celebrate Kevin's birthday at home! We were at the Payne Family Reunion for his real birthday. I bought an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and we celebrated his birthday a month later. Oh well. He knows we love him!

Not sure why I took this picture. I don't remember what was going on or why I thought I needed to take a picture of my son and husband, together in the school room. Significance is not locked in my brain. This is why I should be better about blogging at the time of rather than almost a year later.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Birthday Celebration for Emily - 14 sweet years!

 Emily is such a sweet person and we have a whole day to spoil her. Well, okay, she gets to help with breakfast - pancakes and ice cream, of course. (Sorry there is a shadow on the picture.)

These are my favorites - it's great to start the day with smiling pancakes!

She helped make dinner - crepes!

Fun decorations from her sisters!

Sweet baby ready for dinner!

Reading her card from Grammy and Gaffa.
Good job remembering. 
Sometimes we forget.

Ready for the party!
Let's get it started!

One side of siblings.

The other side of siblings!

She asked for ice cream cones instead of cake.
Kevin melted the candles onto the top of the box of cones.

Pepere and Jerry's present: big long tube.

A giant poster of idioms - how funny!

Their card came with a gift Visa so she'll have to decide how to spend that.

So excited!

Family year passes to the Children's Zoo!

Water flavoring packets.
She doesn't like plain water.

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.
It was movie from my childhood and I think they will enjoy it!

Super happy!

with books! Of course she is!

What kind of kid doesn't like candy!?

Not many kids would ask for cashews for her birthday,
but this one did!

Some clothes that we picked out together.
It was a fun little shopping trip!

Gifts from siblings...

What? Chocolate! Be careful Mom doesn't eat it before you do.

A new pocket hymnal. She loves music!

More sibling gifts!

She really likes music!
And we all love The Piano Guys!

What a fun birthday to celebrate another year for Emily. We all enjoyed three different flavors of ice cream on our ice cream cones! It was a great ending to a wonderful day!