Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Playing at the park with Felix

We didn't have story time today, but I still took the kids to Tamara's house for piano lessons. So I took my little girls and Felix to the park. They had such a good time playing and running and swinging and spinning and laughing. I loved to hear them call each other.

Harmonie scraped her knee.

We had to find some shade.

Buddies forever!

Harmonie found some other kids to play with.

We will all miss the Smith family when they move away - but I don't like to talk about that.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Cake pops and hair styles!

We finally made cake pops! It's a process that takes time but it was fun, and yummy.

The little girls loved having Princess Leia hair.

The candy melts didn't work quite as well as she hoped. I guess we need to work on it and try again. Fortunately, they still tasted yummy! She made them for a get-together at a friends house so she was disappointed that they didn't look better, but we took them anyway and they were all gone when we headed home.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ward Family Temple Trip

Our ward put on a family temple trip and it was great. They had endowment sessions, baptisms, activities for younger kids at the stake center next door, and lunch. I took pictures of my kids again, but it was so sunny they couldn't open their eyes. This was truly torture.

After we walked around I realized there was a shady spot so we did pictures again. Good thing we arrived early so we had time to do this.


Just so cute!

Kevin and I went to the first endowment session at 11. When we got out, Ben and Marissa were already in the baptismal area with the youth, so Kevin joined them and I went to the Stake Center to check on the younger kids - mainly Naomi. We had lunch and did crafts and played games with our ward family. It was a wonderful day at the temple!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

More of Joy School

I ended up getting more pictures of the kids at Joy School - coloring! They always enjoy the craft, no matter what it is. I love to see what they create and enjoy hearing what they talk about. Some times it is very random stuff. Other times it is very thought provoking. Sweet kids.