Monday, February 29, 2016

Talk about strange weather!

If you will remember with me, the post I made about Ben's fortress just a few days ago.... This is what was left of it today!
And just like that it's gone! So sad.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Snow Sculptures

The girls are just as creative when it come to playing in the snow. They are just on a smaller scale than their brother. I love it all the same!

Emily made a hand.

Marissa made a snake head.

And a turtle.

Love the sleeping baby with her thumb!

I just can't get enough of the baby when she sucks her thumb. Love everything about it...
She has her finger over her nose. She is holding onto the bib. She is so sweet!

Fun in the Sun and Snow

Ben built a fortress - complete with walls! (These first pictures were taken yesterday.)

I love his creativity!

Here is the creator and his creation!

He figured out it was easier to cut the blocks 
rather than trying to pack them himself.

Not much room inside but he does fit.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Harmonie's present from the Nichols

Due to sickness, the Nichols couldn't make it to the party. (We were under the weather and they didn't want to catch it.) She was very excited to open the present and her siblings had a hard time keeping quiet as they watched. They kept guessing what was in each package.

2 packs of Tic Tacs

Card with $4 inside

2 boxes of Junior Mints

New Game!
She actually asked for the Tic Tacs and Junior Mints. We gave them some at Christmas, in their stockings, and that's what she wanted for her birthday. What a fun little girl!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Oldest and Youngest

I love that Ben takes time to love his littlest sister. He really enjoyed snuggling with her while she sleeps. So sweet. I need to capture these moments so that she has something to remember him by. When he leaves for a mission around 18 or 19 years of age, she will only be 3-5 years old.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Three layers might be a bit much.

But it was totally yummy! Made from scratch and loved the fudge frosting. It was really worth it!

It was supposed to have a white chocolate "glaze" on top with drips over the edge. Then little tufts of chocolate frosting and oreos in the the middle of the tufts. I tried the white chocolate and it didn't work out very well. (The white chocolate chips were really old.) I just went for the simpler variety and it was so good. I will have to alter the recipe to make only two layers because none of the kids could finish their piece of cake.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saying goodbye to Uncle Chris

We all enjoyed our time with Uncle Chris. He helped in so many ways and it was a very nice visit. We are so glad he came. We are so glad we had snow this time! Hugs and more hugs all around!

Can't leave without a little baby drool.

Pile on the kids!

Crack of dawn! It was pretty.

Until next time!

Friday, February 19, 2016

A few fun random shots

We all love painting!

Harmonie enjoyed painting her new piggy bank.
Marissa liked helping.

We found eggs!
We don't know who laid them.
This should be interesting!

Teaching Uncle Chris the game of Civilization.

Doing the loom band thing!

Sound proud!

Last day crunch to get things done.
Chris helped Kevin put the lettering on his sign
for the office.

It looks great!
Not sure why I don't have a finished picture.
I really thought I took one.