Saturday, August 29, 2015

8 children all playing in one room, together!

It was rainy outside, so the kids stayed inside to play. They all ended up in the playroom with their Legos. They even let Camdilyn join in. It was so quiet downstairs that I had to go up and see what they were doing. It was heart warming to see them all getting along and playing in the same room. I took video of it so I would have it forever. They showed me their creations and played together. What a great morning.

Emily built Camdilyn her own little house for her little person.
She loved it!

What special little kids I have! Love them to pieces!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Playing outside!

The kids all finished their work early and enjoyed some game time outside after lunch. They set up their own croquet game and enjoyed all that it entails. Even one of the neighbor boys came over to play with them. I'm sure they will be doing a lot more of this, weather permitting.

These little cuties loved the flowers the neighbor gave them.
They were so adorable.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

It's birthday time again!

Emily turned 11 today! What a great day she had. First, she got up early and finished all her school work before breakfast! She enjoyed making pancakes with me, and we all enjoyed eating them with cookie and cream ice cream. What a great breakfast!

Because she was done with school she had time to play with the little girls. It was fun for all of them, and really helped me out!

She helped with her birthday dinner as well - crepes with fresh fruit and whipped cream. She helped cut up the strawberries and make the crepe batter and cook the crepes. It worked out well since she was done with school and could help earlier!

Here is her amazing ice cream cake, that we made over several days. First we made the ice cream layers by putting vanilla and strawberry ice cream in foil-lined 9-in round cake pans. The next day we made the fudge sauce and crushed the cookies and put the cake together. Then we put it back in the freezer so it could set up. The next day we made the whipped cream and covered the cake. The next day we made blue whipped cream and decorated the cake, then put it back in the freezer. The next day we ate it and it was really delicious!

Grandma and Grandpa Nichols arrived and brought their gift. 

$11 and a nice card.

A blue camera. 
She was so excited.

New church shoes.
A little big but that means she has room to grow.

She asked for a big tube of toothpaste.

Big Hero 6, Flipper, and Two Brothers DVDs

She asked for a variety of mints.

She also asked for Whoppers.
She thought she would get one or the other.

She asked for this one as well.
She enjoys crocheting so this will teach her some new skills.

Two Nancy Drew books and A Little Princess.

What is this?

A handmade wand from Ben.
What a thoughtful brother.

Harmonie and Domonique made her lots of pictures!

Always fun to wrap in comics - 
it takes a little longer to open the gift.

Scrapping booking supplies!

Now that's a big one!

Croquet to play in the backyard!
The kids enjoy playing it with Steve and Tamara.
So now they can practice at home.

Silly girl, loves the paper.

Tore it to small pieces and handed it to Grandma Nichols.

Enjoy cake!

It was a very nice day. I think she enjoyed it, even though the other girls didn't get around to decorating for her. Marissa also spent the afternoon drawing a picture of Emily - which I didn't get a picture of. I think she enjoyed the day and the little girls enjoyed having her attention. Thank you, Emily, for being part of our family.