Friday, July 31, 2015

Special Treat - Thanks to the Summer Reading Program

Seven of my sweet little children participated in our Summer Reading Program through the library. They all received a free ice cream cone at McDonald's, which expired on July 31. We didn't want them to go to waste so we went, this afternoon. We walked in and the place was empty. Good. We went to the counter and handed in our coupons. They made the cones, and I ended up buying one for Camdilyn. She pushed her way to me when she saw Harmonie get the first one. Then I gave one to Domonique. (Their older buddies helped them go sit down.) Then Kemiah, Xiomara, Emily, Marissa, and Ben all got an ice cream cone. They went to sit down and poor Camdilyn, stood by me, with her hands out ready to receive and was a little unsure as to why she didn't have one yet. So cute. I took our cone to the table and she was getting really excited. She sat down and was ready for a lick. She watched the other kids and then got a taste of her own. It was pure happiness. All the kids really enjoyed them and it was fun to watch them all enjoy their special treat.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Happy Birthday to my Honey!

We celebrated Kevin's birthday today. He had a pile of things from the kids and a card from my parents. We enjoyed pancakes and ice cream for breakfast - of course. Then we were off to church and enjoyed our meetings. 

Our home teacher came over to visit after church and we always enjoy that visit.

Then it was time for cake. We picked up one from Dairy Queen, because he likes the cookie crumble and fudge sauce. It was delicious!

Here's the fun stuff from the kids. Kemiah gave his the green and yellow notebook holder with pen. She also drew the night time picture of the snake. Xiomara drew a new picture for he DAD frame. Marissa drew the heart, and made the two hand cards. The two hands with the paper strip between them says, "I love you this much, and more."

Harmonie also drew a picture, but it's not here. She said, "That's Dad and me. I drew it myself." It was so cute to see how excited she was to give it to him.

Also not pictured, we gave him new dress shirts for work, and we counted his new laptop and bluetooth mouse that he bought for work as his birthday presents as well. We had a nice day playing games and being together as a family!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Pioneer Day Ward Activity

Our ward gathered at Deibel's Lake for a Pioneer Day celebration, the day after the actual Pioneer Day. I took all the girls, and a big plate of Robert Samsel Chocolate Chip Cookies. They turned out perfectly and everyone loved them. I thought we might bring some home but they were all gone when we left! The girls had a great time swimming and playing with their friends. I stayed out of the water and watched the little ones on the beach and shallow water. We probably could have stayed there until it was dark but we went home to see Kevin and Ben return from Scout Camp! What a great end to the week.
 One of the moms took a load of young kids out
on the paddle boat.
I thought it was amazing and so did the kids.

The older enjoyed pushing each other off
the floating dock.
I was a little nervous that someone
would get hurt.
They didn't.
At least not seriously.

Watching from the beach.

Heavily loaded.

Lots of kids out in the water.


Camdilyn was very brave.
She liked putting her hands down on the sand,
and kicking her legs up.


Domonique with a friend and Xiomara.

Marissa - "What this!"

Domonique was also brave and really enjoyed swimming around.

What a fun activity!

Friday, July 24, 2015

More Paintings....

So while Kevin and Ben were gone at Scout Camp, I had a few late nights painting to my hearts content. I'm really enjoying this new hobby of mine.

These first two are while watching Bob Ross.

These next two are from looking at pictures
from a calendar that we received.
The kids liked the pictures and so they are
hanging on the walls, and so I thought
I'd try to paint them.

This is from a picture I took,
of Batibou Bay, in Dominica.

They are not exactly like the pictures but oh well. I am just trying to figure out this whole painting thing and having a good time doing it. The kids are always very complimentary when they wake up and see my new paintings. Makes one feel good, even if I'm not completely satisfied with them.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hero Day at the library

For the Summer Reading Program, our local library puts on activities every Thursday evening. We missed most of them this year. In fact, we missed all of them except the last one. And that one we only made because I remembered just as we were heading home from the pool (which I didn't take my camera to so I don't have any pictures of that). I dropped Ben off at home and picked up the last two reading charts we needed to turn in, and then we went to the library. I didn't tell the girls so they were surprised when we drove in and there was a fire truck and police car in the parking lot. We were a bit late but heard the story and then went outside to tour the vehicles. We had a nice time and the girls seemed to really enjoy it all.

One of the firemen offered to climb the ladder for us.
I was getting queezy just watching him.

I told them not to get comfortable sitting
in the back of the police car.

They all wanted to try on the gear.
It was heavy.

As we were leaving the firetruck, Kemiah pointed at something and said, "What's that?" Wanting to answer her question I asked what she was talking about so she got closer and pointed again. I laughed out loud when I saw what she was pointing at (wish I had taken a picture). I showed the fire chief and he chuckled as well. She wanted to know what the window crank handle was for - so I told her. Oh the things kids these days don't know about - even though my big beast of a van has them, she never sits up from so she doesn't see them.