Friday, October 31, 2014


We started the day with jack-o-lantern pancakes. I made some of the batter bright yellow, and the rest of it orange (as best I could). Then I made some faces on the kids pancakes, and I wish I had taken pictures but I really didn't think anything of it. They enjoyed seeing the different faces and I tried to make some scary or mad or funny or happy. Then Ben tried to make a Frankenstein. Then Marissa decided she wanted to try. It was at that point I decided you had to see what she did because it was artistic, of course.
I had used up all the bright yellow so had to change the orange batter to something else. I didn't really want green but the kids didn't really care. Marissa just couldn't help herself and made a cat face and a howling wolf. Just had to share her latest artistic creation.

We spent the rest of the day on school. I had big plans to head to a friend's house for dinner, some trick-or-treating and then stop by another friend's neighborhood for more treats and then go home to enjoy the candy loot. Unfortunately, we are not that dedicated to this holiday so the bad weather (cold, rainy/snowy, windy) caused us to stay home. Kevin took the kids to the store for pizza and candy and a movie. Then we all enjoyed our time together as a family. I guess we'll just enjoy our own tradition.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What else makes the kids feel better?

Ice cream in a sugar cone, of course!
We all got the flu shot today. What a deal! Fortunately, the kids handled it much better than they usually do. The younger kids had no real issues - a little crying with the stick and then it was over. The older kids didn't make such a fuss and so that was awesome! I decided we all needed a treat so we enjoyed ice cream cones! We all loved them and possibly forgot about our painful arms or legs for just a moment!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Trunk or Treating

Kids love Halloween. I am one of those parents who has a love/hate relationship with this holiday.... so I'll try not to taint their childhood with my opinion.
Ben and Marissa have been reading The Ranger's Apprentice series so that's what they decided to be for Halloween. They bought the fabric with their own money so they could make cloaks. I tried to have them sew as much of it as possible so that it would be their's! It was a fun little project and they had a blast!

Meet Salt and Pepper. I wish I had made them cardboard "hats" that look like shakers tops but oh well.

M&Ms - they look tasty to me! 

Piglet and Marshmallow. We have had that white sweatsuit since Ben's first trick-or-treating experience, before he was 2 when we lived in Florida. Each of the kids has been Marshmallow so it's a family tradition.

Most of the families had a game at their trunk so it was lots of fun. We enjoyed walking around with friends and the weather was wonderful - sunny and warm for the end of October!

Camdilyn enjoyed walking around while she chewed on a twisler stick still in the package. One end opened and she got a taste of the yummy goodness inside. I hope it washed out of the shirt. She had a great time, even though she doesn't understand the candy concept.

My favorite part was having the kids paired up so they went around with a buddy. Kevin and I hung out with the younger four while the older kids talked with friends and enjoyed a bit of freedom with lots of adults around.
When we got home, Kevin took some time to just sit and read some Calvin and Hobbes. It's a great way to pass the time and kids will come and join - we all love Calvin and Hobbes! It was a great activity and a wonderful day!
Next year, I think I'll try to borrow or rent some costumes from a family in our ward who are much more creative than I am. I love all the ideas that people share but I just don't work that way. So I'll use their old ideas and my kids will have real costumes instead of clothes with letters taped on.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Don't take my picture!

I wish I had had my camera when her sister brought her to me because she was all smiles. Then I sat her down to take her picture and she wanted nothing to do with me. She was very upset that I was trying to make her sit still - she likes to be on the move most of the time. Fortunately, she didn't choke on the chalk but just get it all over her face and hands, the port-a-crib and a big spot on the floor. Nothing too serious.

Little Buddies

These little girls are so cute together, most of the time. Because the older guys are busy with school most of the morning every day, these two have some time to pass on their own. They have gotten really good at "reading" books, coloring, or playing together and staying out of trouble, most of the time. They also enjoy being with Mom whenever possible, playing or reading or tickling or whatever. They are sweet little things and I love them to pieces!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

She was so excited and cooperated!

Harmonie has been the opposite of Domonique in her personality. Domonique was very shy and reserved and Harmonie is much more out going and friendly. Domonique has come out of that shy shell quite a bit but I was a little worried about her first time at the dentist. She surprised me and did a fantastic job. Today was Harmonie's first time and I wasn't worried about her at all. When it was her turn, she climbed into the chair and sat there ready for anything.
She seemed so little in that great big chair. But she was just happy as could be. They hygienist took her time to show Harmonie all the tools and what they did so that she would know what was going on.

She did a great job and really enjoyed it. I always enjoy taking my kids to the dentist because they all enjoy it, never fuss about it, and we get complimented on good behavior so it is fun for everyone. AND NO CAVITIES! Good job everyone!

I think I was misinformed.

Many years ago, I had three children in diapers. The oldest was 2 1/2 and the youngest was a newborn. I was still a relatively new mom, just with several little ones. Having never done the whole potty training thing, I wasn't sure what to do. We ended up with a book that really helped but basically said 2 years old was the time to start - as did many other sources. So I was late. Oh well. We got started and survived. And then we did it again and again. I have found, now working on #7, starting after 2 1/2 is better than starting at 2. Harmonie is now in this wonderful phase, being 2 2/3 years old, and is doing remarkably well. We have been at it for a little over two weeks and the last two days have been accident free, and she told me when she had to go #2! It is such a relief. Think of all the money we will save with just one kid in diapers! Way to go Harmonie!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Pumpkin Carving Family Home Evening

It really is a messy affair.
It is the only reason I want more than one ice cream scoop -
it cleans out the inside really well.







Lit up on the porch.
Marissa's wasn't completed because we ran out of time but she will finish it on Saturday and I will take a picture and add it later.
We had a great time together and that's all that matters.

All she wants for Christmas...

No really. She can totally sing this song because she pulled both her top front teeth today! Way to go.
This one had been loose for a while.
She had me try to pull it but it wouldn't come out.
I told her to work at it some more.
Twist and wiggle and wiggle and twist.
She pulled it out with needle nose pliers!

This one wasn't quite as loose,
but it was very loose.
She wasn't going to pull it but then she did.
I didn't have to do it!
Everyone was shocked when the tooth fairy came that very night! Usually she gets lost, stuck in traffic or bad weather, or is at some fairy conference so she can't make it right away. But when she realized the effort put forth by this brave little girl, she made it right on time. And Kemiah got an extra 50 cents because she pulled them both herself and on the same day! Bonus!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Thank my Heavenly Father

I just thought I would thank my Heavenly Father for the tender mercy He showed me today. I was at Church, waiting with 5 of my kids, while 3 of my girls practiced with the ward choir. While we waited, I was talking with a friend and Camdilyn walked away with my iPod. I know, I should have grabbed it from her, kept it from her, whatever, but I didn't. After a long time, I saw Kemiah walking out of the Men's bathroom with Camdilyn. I was bewildered as to what was happening. Had I really been out of it to not even see what was going on? I asked her what was happening and tried to figure out how Camdilyn got into the bathroom - it's a really heavy door to push. Kemiah said the door had been propped open so Camdilyn just walked in... and proceeded to play with my iPod in the toilet! Ack! I was sick. Not so much that she was playing in the toilet, but thinking about my dead iPod. I took off the rubber case and dried off the iPad in a clean diaper - it was the most absorbent thing I had in my diaper bag. I said a little prayer in my head (and heart) that the iPod would be okay. As I took it out of the diaper, I received two messages from Kevin so it seemed to be okay. I was so relieved when it turned on fine and it seems to have no ill effects from it's "bath". I am so thankful.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


My kids are pretty good at making up stories and playing/acting them out. They all have different parts, doing this or doing that, and they make it all work together (usually). Right now, they are outside playing together. I saw Emily talking with Xiomara, as if they were deciding who was doing what. Kemiah came up from behind Emily and grabbed her, and brought her to the ground. I would have bet money on the outcome: Emily would be crying, furious and shout at Kemiah. I would have lost. Emily might have said something but they went right on pretending and Ben joined the group. Maybe Kemiah was supposed to capture Emily. It was just interesting to watch it all unfold and no one came crying to me! Now that's a step in the right direction!

Out a different window I saw Harmonie and Domonique playing together - not yet old enough, or big enough to play with the big guys, but happy to play together outside! What a wonderful time!

Now I come back to what I'm doing - inside, trying to get Camdilyn to eat her baby food.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


This one was taken on the 6th of October.
There was lots of moisture in the air.
Kind of hazy.

This was taken tonight.
Lots of moisture (rain) and clouds.
Still pretty.

Marissa actually came to me and said, "Please take a picture of the sunset." I knew it wouldn't be as pretty in the picture as it was in real life but decided to take it anyway. I hope that she understands that I care about her desires, likes, and interests.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Going to the pumpkin farm again!

How long do you stay at the pumpkin farm? I don't know why but we stayed 4 hours today! We love looking at all the animals (even though I always forget to grab a few quarters so we can feed them), and seeing all the vendors, and watching the pumpkin launches - you get to see 4 if you stay as long as we do! The kids like to watch the blacksmiths working and we always love eating doughnuts! Usually we enjoyed meeting up with our friends, Tamara and Steve, but this year we missed each other - they were there, and we were there, but we didn't call each other or bump into each other. Next time we will! We also enjoy walking around the gift shop but never buying anything - that's where we can also watch them make the delicious doughnuts! Yummy fun!

This trip the farm had lots of different emergency people out to show off their stuff - cars, equipment, fire trucks, etc. We got there just in time to watch the hospital helicopter land near the soy bean field. The kids were all able to sit inside and look around.

The goats are very friendly because they expect to be fed. The kids (children that is) enjoy petting them and seeing how soft they are.

Camdilyn was a little nervous.

But wanted out of the stroller so I let her walk around.
She "talked" like crazy, making all sorts of sounds as she pointed to the goats.

Harmonie figured out where to get the food for the animals.

But she didn't have any money so she tried the next best thing...

The kids enjoy climbing all over the old farm tractors.

These were new this year... yes, someone is inside it.

Watching the helicopter take off.

Getting pretty loud.

There it goes!

Watching a pumpkin launch from afar.

Yummy doughnuts!

Blacksmith shop.