Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fast Growers

These are the meat birds we picked up at the beginning of April.
They were little chicks then.
So cute and fluffy.

Here's the comparison...
you can see our two hatched chicks in back.
They are actually a few days older than the meat birds.

They eat chick food high in protein. And they eat and eat and eat. Every time I go in to see them, they are ready to be fed. One more month for these little guys and then we'll see how they taste.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Puppet Show

A puppet group came to Bridgeport to put on a show. It wasn't really a group so much, because there were only two actors but that was enough for us. It was FREE and that is what got me hooked. We drove over to the high school and waited for the show to start. The group is based in Cincinnati, Ohio so they were running a little late because of some traffic. Anyway, they were really fun and the kids enjoyed it. We all enjoyed it. 

I think they called this a pole puppet, but now I'm not sure.

Yes, that is our very own Marissa up on the stage helping and playing her part very well.
This is a backpack puppet.

We even received free ice cream cone coupons for going to the show! Bonus! Now we just need to take the time to take the whole family out to McDonald's to use them. It was a fun event.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Looking on the bright side

D: (singing) The sun is shining. The sun is shining.
E: No it's not. It's cloudy.
D:The sun is shining behind the clouds.

Isn't that a great thought? Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.
I'm impressed my three-year-old could see that.
Sometimes, we may find ourselves stuck on the wrong side of the clouds.
The key is to remember that the sun is still shining.
We just have to rise above them; get to the other side.
That was always my favorite part of flying.
It might be all gray and cloudy when we were on the ground, but then the plane would pop through the clouds and it was awesome.
Remember the sun is always shining... some days you just might have to wait for it a little longer.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Tummy Time

I put her down for a nap.
She was still awake.
She wasn't all that happy about it.
When I checked on her, this is how I found her.

She usually sleeps on her back, but apparently she will do it on her tummy if she has to. I guess that's what happens when you can only roll one way.

Does this mean it's really Spring?

I look out the back door and what do I see?

Mole hills all over the yard.
Okay, they are just in this one area... for now.
I guess it must be Spring if the moles are moving around.

What have we done?

Remember when I told you about hatching our own eggs? We had one successful one hatch and that was exciting. Then we stopped by Tractor Supply Co. on my birthday... Kevin decided we would try to actually raise and eat Cornish hens. Well, he didn't decide that until a couple days later so he came home with 10 Cornish hen chicks. The day after, we had another one of our eggs hatch! It went much faster this time and I got video instead of pictures. It was amazing - almost like giving birth but not quite. I took the newly hatched chick to be with the others, except that I put it in a small shoe box. I just wanted to get it under the heat lamp to keep it warm. When I checked on it later, there were two other chicks in the box with it. Later on, Kevin decided we really should separate the Cornish hens from our chickens because they should be eating different food, so he put the wall between them. The newest chick is alone by the wall. It is fun to see all the little balls of fur and to hear them cheep. I sure hope this new adventure goes well. We found a butcher in a town not far from us so at least we don't have to do it ourselves. I'll keep you posted.