Saturday, August 31, 2013

Beginning of School Year Pictures

I know I can't do this on the actual first day of school, because I'm not candid enough, nor am I good enough with the camera to get a great shot the first time. Anyway, I haven't taken pictures like this of my kids for some time so I thought we could do a pseudo first day of school pictures. Unfortunately, I don't really know what I'm doing and I don't have the proper equipment (or I just don't know how to use what I have to get good pictures...) so this is what I have.






Group shot.
Starting 6th grade.

3rd and Kindergarten

Not in school yet.
Maybe I'll try Joy School with Domonique.
Harmonie has the good life of just enjoying everything.

What a lovely bunch of kids I have. They are all so great in so many ways. Good luck to all of us with this new school program and lots of changes coming our way! Love you guys!

Friday, August 30, 2013

The real deal!

I told him we could go on Thursday but it didn't happen. So I made sure we went today. I drove up to the north end of town to go to PetSmart, with all my kids, so Ben could look at fish. We all looked and then I had to use the bathroom so we wandered around the store, used the facilities, and then passed by all the cats and kittens so we could pet them. Then we went back to fish - we needed to focus. He talked to the lady and we figured out what he needed. He picked out two very cool fish and worried about them the whole way home. Once we arrived home, Marissa helped him rinse everything. He got the tank ready, and I moved it up to his room. He was ready to introduce his new fish to their new home. It was so very exciting! I truly love what he did, how he did it, and all the excitement it has caused. We put up a gate at his doorway (he doesn't have an actual door, just curtains to give privacy) to keep the little ones out. Hopefully they will have a wonderful, long stay with us. Welcome to our family, Mist and Strike.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I've never seen one in real life!

The kids found a real praying mantis! It was on the side of the house and it was really exciting. Along with all the cicadas we've had popping up around here, and making their wonderful noise, it has certainly been an interesting end to our summer! Some bugs are really cool.

She's just plain cute!

In preparation...

for pictures I wanted to take of the kids at the beginning of school, I gave Ben a hair cut. He said he wanted a #2 on the bottom and a #5 on the top. I have been doing the top with scissors because he has had it longer for a while but that's what he said he wanted. This was taken part way through, with the front middle portion still really long. I thought it might be fun to leave it and spike it up, but his Dad said no way. I didn't really want it anyway. We cut it all and Ben said he thought it would be a little longer. Oh well, it'll grow out.
I didn't know he was making faces, and Kevin just kept taking pictures. Imagine my surprise when I looked back over the pictures and saw these. What a silly boy!

Newest hobby, with creative flare.

Ben has a new hobby - fish! (Maybe he'll be an ichthyologist when he grows up.)
At the beginning of the month, he decided he wanted a fish tank, so he made one. He cut out a piece of paper from a role we had, hung it on the wall, and then found an animal book that had fish in it. He drew the fish, colored them in, and even named them! I thought it turned out amazing!
He listed the type of fish and then put their names next to it, so we would all be able to know who is who.
He has since done more research about fish, aquariums, and so forth. He checked out books from the library, watched youtube videos, and those kind of things to prepare for his very own fish tank. He wanted to use a large animal cracker container (the really big kind from Sam's club) and have a few goldfish to watch. Then we looked online at PerSmart and he may buy a real tank. I'm not sure what to do, but it's all he can talk about. I showed him some of the fish that my dad had in his fish tank when I was growing up. He has picked out his favorite (Zebra Danio). He has learned all sorts of things. I'm proud of him for doing the research and learning so much about it before trying to do it on his own. Of course, the girls are all getting the pet bug now as well.
I thought I'd show pictures of his room since we recently moved him into this area. You can see where he hung his fish tank - right next to his bed. (I'm standing in the doorway of his room as I take these pictures.)

This is the built in desk unit that he uses for his morning scripture reading, and his own little space for doing whatever.

Why didn't I think of that?

Kevin ordered a new bunk bed unit, because we'll need another bed in another month, and we need to start rearranging now so all the children are used to their new sleeping places when the baby comes. They delivered a large box today, with the parts and pieces for the bed inside. I wasn't sure where Kevin decided it should go - girl's room or Ben's room - so I was going to just move it inside and off the front porch. Ben grabbed one end and I was ready to lift the other but when we tried, we realized it was WAY too heavy for us. So I decided we'd have to wait for Kevin ('cuz he's real strong). I was sitting on the couch with Domonique when I told Kevin about the box, that Ben and I could not lift it, and that we would need help to get it inside. He looked at me and said, "Did you open it?" And that's when I realized what we could have done - just moved the pieces inside one at a time instead of trying to move the whole load at once. I started giggling and then I was out right laughing at myself and couldn't believe that I hadn't thought of that. I'm not sure why I thought it was so funny, but it really was. I mentioned it to Ben a little later and he laughed and slapped both hands to his forehead.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

She must hear this alot.

We were getting ready to head over to a friends house today, after lunch. Domonique was sort of tired so I asked if she wanted to take one of her blankets with her. She said she did and picked one out. I didn't want her to drag it on the ground so I asked her to leave it with me, and I would bring it out to the car. She dropped it, looked at me (maybe even used a finger for emphasis), and said, "You give it to me in the car. You understand?" Yes, I understand. It was just so funny that she wanted to make sure I understood what she expected me to do, because we ask all the kids that when we have asked them to do something. So, be careful what you say around your kids. Eventually they will throw it back at you - good or bad.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Lost #2

Kemiah really likes having a loose tooth. The minute it's a tiny bit loose she wants me to feel it. Then she'll remind me about it every day, two or three times throughout the day. It's never loose enough at the beginning but she just keeps showing you that she has a loose tooth! So was I surprised when she came to me and said, "My tooth came out!" But it wasn't loose enough, how did you? Then she tells me the story...

She was playing with Xiomara. Unfortunately, she decided to put the scarf they were playing with in her mouth. Xiomara decided to pull a bit hard to try and tug it away, but Kemiah didn't let go. Well, it eventually came down to who would hold on and Kemiah lost because her tooth came out and it was a bit painful. She was so excited! Silly girls!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Moving on to 9!

Happy Birthday to Emily!
We sang at breakfast, but not over our traditional pancakes and ice cream. Oh, we had pancakes, blueberry pancakes made by Dad. We are saving the pancakes and ice cream for Monday so that Emily can help me make them - colored and stuff. We just wouldn't have time for that Sunday morning. We sang to her a couple times and then we were off to Church.
She enjoyed having the kids in Primary sing to her - I wasn't there since I was released a while back. Then we headed home for a snack. The kids ate too much, and I didn't eat anything. Emily and I got busy making crepes for dinner - with others helping with the berries (strawberries and blueberries)! We even remembered to whip the cream! She enjoyed helping cook the crepes, although I had a hard time giving up control so she didn't get to do as much as she wanted. It was fun to work with her in the kitchen. [I have just realized how sad it is that I don't have any pictures of all this stuff! I need to be better about that.]
Grandma and Grandpa Nichols came over for the party and we had a great time. We sang again, as Dad brought out the ice cream cake (which Emily and I made Saturday evening). She blew out the candles and we were ready for presents!

It is always fun to see the kids reactions. Emily is usually very non-reactive but this year she was very happy and excited.
Friends Lego set (Emma) from Gpa and Gma Nichols.
She is so excited to play with them tomorrow.

I loved how excited Harmonie was -
even though she didn't really know what was going on.


I bought fabric and stuff to make a skirt with her.
A 9-year-old birthday tradition.

She was very happy with Marissa's homemade present.

Yarn headbands (Emily doesn't like pony tails).

Opening the card from Grammy and Gaffa.

The flavors that she picked for the ice cream cake were: strawberry, vanilla, and cookies and cream (from bottom to top), with a layer of fudge between the strawberry and vanilla, and a layer of strawberry topping between vanilla and cookies and cream. I think it turned out great and everyone else enjoyed it as well - so glad it wasn't as sweet as the last one I made.

So that was her birthday. We sang a couple times, she talked with Grammy and Gaffa, as well as Memere. She enjoyed reading some books, and we all had a marvelous time!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Go Little One! Go!

The kids were enjoying their time outside and I was enjoying my time inside. Emily came in all excited and said I had to come see! When I didn't respond right away, Emily continued to explain that she had gotten a bike for Domonique, put training wheels on it and helped her start riding. She was very excited for her little sister! I did go out and Domonique was very excited to show me her new skill! It was so cute and awesome to see her on the bigger bike! That's all she wants to do now, ride her bike when she goes outside! What fun! You gotta love sisters! (Notice in the first picture she has her tongue sticking out because she's concentrating. It's a family thing.)