Thursday, May 23, 2013

Crazy weather.

I'm only posting this for a written record of our crazy weather. Not that it really matters - and I'll probably never look back, but just in case.

Winter wasn't too bad. Thought Spring was coming but it took a really long time. We were still burning wood to warm our house through April. Went on vacation to MA and came home to warm weather. It was great for about 3 days, and we put the kids a/c unit in their window. Then  the temps dropped and things froze again. Had to light the furnace to warm us up. (The house got down to 61 degrees.) After a while of chilly weather we got warmer, then really warm so our window a/c unit went in. Used that for about a week and now it's down again - highs of 60's and lows of 40's. I just think it's crazy. People will say, "Well, that's weather in Michigan." It's a statement that can be made anywhere you live. I just think it's weird. I've lived here over three years and I don't remember this drastic fluctuation before. So we had to light a fire again this evening to warm the house back up. I guess we'll save money on the electric bill because we aren't running the a/c units.

How's your weather?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Thought it was a good idea.

When we got home from Church yesterday, we changed our clothes and packed some food, so we could go walk through Price Nature Center. We were all excited to see the trees in their green splendor. We were not expecting the mosquitoes to be out in full force, but they were. So our stroll through the woods turned into a job to save our lives. I was slower than the rest but kept swatting the ones that landed. The poor kids all look like pin cushions. Kemiah and I enjoyed a slower pace and took some time to notice some things around us.

We stopped long enough for a family picture.

Kemiah kept asking, "Will you take my picture over there?"

Kemiah took this one.
Afterwards, she kept saying, "Can I take a picture of that?"

Next time we'll make sure to bring the bug spray!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Planting the Children's Gardens!

Saturday Kevin had the day off so it was garden day! It was chilly in the morning but warmed up nicely. The kids figured out where to plant stuff and Kevin tilled the ground for easier planting. (See, I told you they'd get the tiller working. Thanks Harry!) The entire garden area is 100 feet so each child got 20, and it's about 30 feet deep. Kevin and I have a 10x60 foot area across the front.

Marissa planted corn, potatoes, lettuce, peas, 
cucumbers, and pumpkins.

Ben planted corn, carrots, and cantaloupe.

Kemiah planted corn, pumpkin, peas, 
watermelon, and cantaloupe.

Xiomara planted corn, peas, pumpkin, 
watermelon, and cucumber.

Emily planted pumpkin, cucumbers, peas, and cantaloupe.

Kevin tilled our front area to plant more potatoes and onions.

The tomatoes for Marissa, Xiomara, Kemiah and Domonique planted are still inside. Ben's peppers are still inside as well. They will all be planted after they have grown a bunch!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Our first EVER flower garden

IF you noticed, Marissa received flowers for her birthday from Grandpa and Grandma Nichols. The weather took a chilly turn so I was afraid to plant them. Finally, I couldn't wait any longer, and the weather was sunny so we planted the flowers! (Besides, I didn't have what I needed for school, but I won't get into that.)

I helped the kids clear the spot and then tried to help instruct but let them do their thing. Ben helped her the most and they did a good job. The tulips were already there. Now we just need to remember to water them and so forth. I just thought we should record the event!

Left side.

Right side.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Fun Family Home Evening Outside

Kevin decided it was time to get to the garden so that's what we did for Family Home Evening tonight. Thankfully, our farmer friend plowed the garden while we were on vacation so the ground was mostly ready. It was a bit chilly (you'll notice most of us have jackets on) so we focused on potatoes. I think we have hit on a brilliant idea - the 5 older kids each have their own plot of land! They picked what they wanted to plant in their plot and they are responsible for taking care of it. Hopefully weeding will be a bit easier because they only have to worry about their stuff!

Here are the potatoes I pulled out of the garden last year, that didn't get eaten. They were in the cool, darkish basement and they still grew like crazy!

We were going to use the tiller but it wouldn't start. I'm sure the guys will get it working soon enough.

The kids were happy to wait while they tried to get the tiller started.

A nest that our neighbor just gave the girls. Marissa put it in a tree.

Harmonie loved watching the chickens. 
She hasn't gotten out much but I'm sure she will as the weather gets warmer.
(If it ever gets warm and STAYS warm.)

Gathering to plant!

Hold the potatoes... be so careful!

She loved the dandelions! Delicious!

Inside to plant the peppers and tomatoes!
They'll need to be inside for a while, 
and we are probably late but oh well.

Two littlest trying to figure out what their part is!

We let her plant the cherry tomatoes.
She was so excited!

What a great way to help them learn to obey the prophet! Good luck on the crops!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Massachusetts Trip

If you want to read about our Massachusetts Trip, you'll have to go past the pregnancy and baby photos!
Just thought I'd let you know! I didn't blog at all while I was gone so I'm catching up, and putting things on the days that they happened!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

20 weeks and counting...

Here I am, at 20 weeks...

We had our first ultrasound on Thursday and I took all the kids. Kevin was unable to be there. We all enjoyed seeing the baby move, hearing the heart beat, and seeing everything growing normally. The kids all went in saying/wanting a boy. I was ready for anything healthy! It was nice to agree with the ultrasound nurse when she said, "It's a girl." This one was certainly not shy. Most of the kids enjoyed being there and I was so happy to see her moving and doing well. Now on to the naming game!


Arm and hand (fingers pointing down)

3D face with hands and arms infront

Head down at the bottom right, with hand right in front of the mouth.

Hand and fingers with knees

Feet, legs, knees, belly and arm.

Not sure why blogger loaded these pictured in this way. They should all be turned to the left 90 degrees. Oh well. So there you have our latest and greatest!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Marissa's second party

She sort of had a different birthday. I did make pancakes with her Wednesday morning, and we had ice cream (thanks to Kevin for picking it up). Other than that, it was a normal day and we didn't actually celebrate that night - violin lessons and Scouts were scheduled. I did call Grandma and Grandpa Nichols and set it up for Thursday night instead. So they came over and we celebrated.

Here are pancakes birthday morning!

Kemiah getting ready for presents.

Due to the short notice, Gpa and Gma ended up buying a Dairy Queen ice cream cake.
It was yummy!

Nancy Drew #11 and #12

The Work and the Glory #8

Emily made her a present - a folder system for sorting her money:
tithing, savings, spending, and mission.
I thought it was a cute idea.
Marissa said she wasn't going to put much into the spending folder.

Gpa and Gma gave her a doodle pad of paper and colored pencils!

Harmonie was getting hungry.

Domonique thought it was a good idea, too.

Gpa and Gma also gave her some flowers because she said she wanted a flower garden!
What fun!

We also gave her a remote controlled car that Pepere had gotten from someone and passed on to us. Marissa was the only kid who didn't have one so she now has one!

What a party!