Friday, July 27, 2012

First foods.

She is now getting to the point where she'll watch us eat, watch me put the spoon in my mouth, and it seems like she is very interested to know what it is. I had her at the table with us the other morning and so I gave her a few small bites of cream of wheat. She liked it. Today I gave her some baby food - pear rasberry - and she liked that, too. I guess she's ready for the next phase in life.

She is also getting very close to crawling, but I haven't taken pictures yet so this will have to do.

Homemade Dill Pickles

We love our Grandma Berry - another adopted grandma from Church. She had us over on Monday night (7/23) to show us how to make dill pickles. It was easy and fun because we got to spend time with her and her husband. They grilled hot dogs, I brought chicken vegetable soup, and we had a good time.

Note: Never leave the remaining vegetable soup on the counter over night if you put cream in it - WOW that was stinky! I was so sad that I forgot to put it away when we got home and I had to toss it all out. It makes really yummy leftovers, so I would have eaten every bit of it. I won't do that again!

He turned 36!

He had to work yesterday, so the kids and I enjoyed pancakes and ice cream without him. We sang "Happy Birthday to Daddy" while we ate so that counts! We cleaned up some piles around the house - the kitchen counters and floor mostly - so that was his present from us. He got a new cooler for his lunch box, too. He came home in time to have the ice cream cake that I made for him. He blew out the candles, in a non-conventional way, and opened the cards he had from the kids and my parents. I would say it was a fine day and we all love him a lot.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Creativity strikes again.

B-Guess what I built?
Me-a laser?
B-No. (dropped what he had built and it broke, so he had to fix it)
Me-What did you build?
B-(holding it out) An airplane that can land on an aircraft carrier. And it can fly this way (with wings up) or this way (with wings out). Oh, and it has a machine gun. (Of course it does!)

We just got back from a two week vacation. The first week we were at my younger sister's house. The second week we were at my parent's house. Ben spent a lot of time at my parent's house building with their Legos. He built several vehicles, a rocket, control center, and rest stop. He really does rnjoy creating things.

Hopefully I'll get more posted about the vacation soon.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

She turned 2 yesterday!

She is so much fun. They all have been at this age. She is talking so much and really enjoys playing with the guys - her siblings. This year was celebrated a lot like last year - wood working in the morning, swimming in the afternoon, party with cake and presents after dinner, and fireworks to end it off! Differences this year: Grandma and Grandpa Nichols didn't come for the party - but they did make the cake; Dad went with us for the fireworks and we got a much better spot than last year.

This had to be her favorite. She pulled out the book and said, "Elmo!" Then she pushed some buttons and started laughing - more the fake laughing than real but it was so funny. It's a potty training book with Elmo and she really liked it.

Some of the kids made her cards and other paper things. It was fun and I loved hearing what they said in their cards.

We forgot to have her open Grammy and Gaffa's card at breakfast so she did it with the rest of the presents. It was stuck so she had a hard time getting it out of the envelope. Marissa tried to help and then I had to pull it out.

Happy Birthday Domonique!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Still being creative!

While we were at the beach, Ben collected a few shells. He wanted to make a wind chime, so I suggested the shells to him. He had an idea and we worked to get it put together. Kevin helped him drill the holes in the can. We used hot glue to attach the shells to the strings. I think it turned out great, even if it doesn't make much noise. He hung it out by the fort that he made. Awesome job, buddy!

She was really excited!

This is what might happen if you leave a bag of marshmallows within Domonique's reach. At least she was willing to share with Harmonie. Harmonie was very happy to have the bag and was really going at it. It's probably a choaking hazard and they should put a warning label on it - Keep out of reach of babies. Or maybe I should just put them away instead.

Don't do that again.

Kevin went to the closet and got his white coat out to get ready for work. He hasn't worn it in two months. He found a water bottle in one of the pockets, and it still had flavored water in it.... as well as a little something else. Yucky, but amazing at the same time. Or is it scary? Either way we just tossed it out (after I took pictures).

Sisterly Love!

Harmonie was peacfully sleeping on the floor when Domonique decided to say, "HI baby!" She got right down in her face, gave kisses, and talked to her little sister. Fortunately, Harmonie kept sleeping through the interuptions and Domonique enjoyed herself.

Third Camping Trip of 2012

The last week of Kevin's break we decided to do a two-nighter camping trip (6/20-22). We went south again, this time to Metamora-Hadley Recreation Area. Our friends joined us again - so much fun! It was another nicely wooded area, so we had lots of shade. We ended up with a large lot, so we had lots of room. The bathroom was nearby and had wonderful facilities. The beach on the lake was nice as well. Kemiah learned to ride a bike without training wheels! Ben and Marissa improved their frisbee throwing and catching skills. They played another game of capture the flag, with a couple neighboring kids. Jumbo marshmallows for the smores - delicious. Tamara introduced us to roasted Starbursts, and that was a big hit with the kids! The weather was perfect and it only rained on us a little bit, so it was really a great time! We ate different meals this time - we were all tired of hot dogs since that was what we ate on the last two trips. I'm so glad that my husband was willing to plan and pack and all that stuff!

Kemiah talking to a frog at the beach.

Domonique wasn't sure about the water.

Harmonie spent a lot of time in the stroller.

They are out in the middle of the picture.

100% juice Caprisuns were the best things ever!

Playing at the campsite. They are pretending to be in school.

The Smith Family - I'm so glad they hung out with us!

The kids got a little creative with nature. The kids found the soldier guy.

Marissa made a house for a fairy but it fell down before I could take a picture.

Domonique likes these kind of rides. We probably need to fit the helmet better for her.

Xiomara's awesome on the little bike.

Emily is ready for a bigger bike.

Last day on the training wheels.

Domonique also likes this kind of ride.


In the stroller, still or again.

Awesome wildlife.

Tamara taught the kids how to play Chinese Jumprope. It was really fun.

I forgot to take pictures while we were roasting but I wanted to remember it! Yummy!

We also had a racoon visitor. The first night Sophie treed the coon. It was awesome! Kevin put the coolers under the seat bench of the picnic table. The racoon still tried to get in, and it knew exactly where to go to try and open the cooler. Smart little critter.