Friday, March 30, 2012

My Birthday

It's a three day dessert fest, although that's not quite what happened this year. I did make glazed popcorn on my Fake Birthday, but we didn't eat it until after our nightly routine (instead of right after dinner because I was late in making it). Wednesday was the Pack Meeting and Pinewood Derby and I didn't get around to making a dessert (or dinner so we ate cold cereal before we left). Thursday was my Real Birthday. The kids did their computer work in the morning and we watched a movie after lunch. It was a relaxing day.

This is the first year that my husband has given me a present each day. I think it had more to do with his excitement and inability to keep a secret - which I'm fine with. On my Fake Birthday (3/27), he gave me a new blue toner carteridge for our laser printer so that it would stop putting blue streaks on everything. Hooray! Of course, when he installed it, he realized we needed new pink and yellow as well. For my Almost Birthday (3/28) he gave me blu-ray discs so I can use my blu-ray burner to copy all our HD homevideos from the island so we can watch them. I'm so excited! For my Real Birthday (3/29) he gave me the Seafarers expansion to the Settlers of Catan game that we love to play. Our friends, the Smiths, came over to play and enjoy my yummy birthday dessert. We played once with all the kids, then sent them to bed and played againg with just the adults. It as really fun and not nearly as complicated once we figured it all out. I'm ready to play it again though, so maybe I can hurry the kids through their stuff, have class, lunch, stack some wood and prepare for dinner and then play the game with them. So that was my birthday in a really large nut shell.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So very late on this one.

Ben turned 10 at the beginning of the month, the 5th to be exact. I can't believe he's that old but he is. This was the first time I remember really having issues with my camera as well, because it wouldn't auto focus and I was frustrated trying to take pictures of him at his party. The whole day he seemed a little low, probably because he didn't want to have school and computer work but we did. (We always do on birthdays so I'm not sure why he expected it to be different.) He cheered up when he saw the birthday cake Grandpa Nichols brought - a British Spitfire plane form World War II. Yes, that is what Ben requested (after first asking for a 3-d castle and then a tractor). I think he enjoyed the presents and cake.

He opened his card from Grammy and Gaffa at breakfast. His pancaked were green mint with Andes mint chips, and we still had ice cream and syrup on top. What a treat!

Here's the spitfire. Amazing work Grandpa Nichols!

Grandma and Grandpa Nichols gave him a Nerf gun that shoots discs, and an extra supply of discs (since the gun only came with 5). It's quite a powerful gun and those soft discs bounce off whatever they hit and still keep going. (Kemiah played with it one day while we were in school and a disc got jammed and I couldn't get it out. I emailed the company and they said they would replace it. They even sent me the shipping label. Now I just need to mail the gun!)

Kevin passed on his Webelos Scout uniform. So now he has official Cub Scout pants (that my Mom hemmed), the scarf, hat and belt buckle.

Pepere gave him a compass. (It has a loop to wear it on a belt and that's what Ben did for days.)

An origami set was well received. He's excited to fold stuff with his cousin, Blake, when they come for a visit in August.

Hardy Boys 8 and 9, still missing 6 because we can't find it at the store. (Ben did a library loan on it and is reading it now.)

This was a big surprise - he is now the "father" of 27 chicks. The chicks arrived a couple days after his birthday but we gave him the feed. He had time to get a pen set up in the basement and everyone was excited when the peeping box arrived.

And here's the grand finale! A bigger bike, given to him by someone who cares and wanted Ben to have a bigger bike. Everyone was very excited! (He has been really good about letting the girls have turns riding it.)

Happy late birthday to my only boy! He's such a big helper and so talkative and creative. He loves to think and shares his plans and ideas with me! Thanks for being my buddy!