Sunday, February 28, 2010


I just wanted to let you know that Kemiah goes to nursery without any issues! Hurray! I can take her instead of Kevin, and I just drop her off and that's the end of it. No crying, no fussing, and Kevin doesn't have to stay with her. I'm so happy that she has made that adjustment and actually enjoys nursery. I had to change a stinky diaper today and she went back to nursery without any problems! What a big girl. Now we just need to tackle the potty training thing and we'd be sitting pretty.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The new look.

I have been talking about getting my hair cut since before we left the island. I'm used to getting it cut once a year, when I see my little sister. She does a great job and it's free! When we moved into our house in Michigan, my sister was ready to come visit and I was excited to see her, and get a hair cut. It didn't work out - our house was too small and we were busy getting settled in before Kevin started. Well, I finally just stopped in at Wal-Mart and got it cut. It felt so great! All those yucky ends were gone and when I washed it the first time, although it was weird because it was so short, it felt fantastic. Now I'll save lots of money on shampoo and conditioner because I don't have to use so much. So, here are the before and after pics.

My husband is a little crazy when he gets my camera in his hands. He'll just keep taking pictures. Usually it's of me coming at him to grab the camera but this time I was ready and started posing.

The only problem with the hair is that the new growth in the back is doing it's own little thing. I dare say it's now a bit naturally curly but none of the hair on top is going curly so it's a little weird to have the underneath stuff twisting and turning. Oh well. At least I don't have the tangly ends anymore.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Made his day.

Kevin was called to be a ward missionary. That's great but how they extended the call is what made his day. It has always been a dream of his to just be called out of the audience and extended a calling. That's how they did it when the Church was first restored - men being called on missions in the meeting without being talked to before hand. Well, when we got here, he had a chance to say something to the First Counselor in the Bishopric about his dream. He told him that he would like a calling and that they didn't need to talk to him before, just call him in the meeting. Well, it happened last Sunday. I thought Kevin had just not mentioned it to me - he does that sometimes - but when he sat down the smile on his face told me they hadn't talked to him about it.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

What do you do with a ladybug infestation?

While on the island, I poisoned any ant trail that came near my house. I smashed any centipede in or near my home. You get the idea. Well, in our new home, we have a new friend. A million of them. I'm not sure where they keep coming from but the ladybugs are here - in the middle of winter. I will admit that most of them are dead, but that's after they get into the house. The kids do find the occasional few that are still alive. Most of the time the kids enjoy holding them and having them crawl around. Kemiah had one once... and then she brought it to me and said, "it dead," and she held it out for me to vacuum up. I vacuumed the guest room today and I know I'll find more of them in there tomorrow, or the next day. Kevin said that maybe the farmers in the area order a bunch of them and then put them in the crops to keep away the bad bugs. But why are they still here? As Marissa sat with me the other night, she giggled and said, "There's something on my face." I said, "Yes, it's a lady bug." She laughed again and asked me to take her picture. What a ham. She put it right on her nose. I told her to be careful that it didn't end up in her nose. She assured me that it wouldn't and I told her to get it off her face. I'm just wondering if it will ever get better or will it get worse?

Laundry in the basement.

(Note: This may not be a very exciting post but I thought I'd share anyway.)

I have had to do my laundry in lots of different places. When we first got married, we waited 6 months before buying a washing machine and drier so I took our laundry to the coin operated laundry mat. That's where I learned about the shooting at Columbine High School. When we bought our first home, we were able to get a washer and drier and they started out inside the house but didn't stay there for long. Once Kevin had the carport enclosed, his dad helped him put in the plumbing and electrical so the machines were moved out to the garage. Both houses in Alaska the machines were in the "basement" but they were finished and living space so it was fine. The first house on the island had the washer out on the veranda - and I hung my clothes on a line. The second house on the island actually had a designated laundry area but still no drier so I hung them on the line in the carport. Now, the machines are in the basement and this is really a basement because it's unfinished and cold. I won't complain any more than that because I am so thankful to have them both and that the hook ups were already there and they are working great!

Sleepy Time

I just thought I'd share these cute pictures of my kiddos sleeping in their beds. They are so sweet. Every night I give kisses when they get into bed and Kemiah will say, "Mommy, lay down with me." I wish I could. I snuggle with her before I put her down for a nap during the day so I guess she wants more snuggling. Of course, all the kids would enjoy more of that, if given the chance.

I love how he covers his stuffed dogs with his Little One (a small blanket).


Sweet dreams.

She wears socks to bed because we are trying to break the finger sucking habit. It was hard the first couple nights but she is used to it and does really well now.

The last thumb sucker. She loves the warm, soft blanket and pulls a fuzzy from the yarn to hold while she sucks her thumb.

Here's a look at the girls all together. I just love the bed.

Poor guy, stuck in the corner all by himself, but in the same room. He still fits in the crib mattress, even though he'll be 8 years old soon.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In the new house...

And it's turning me for a loop. It's always hard to remember where exactly I put stuff (especially when half the stuff is still in boxes waiting to be put somewhere). I also have a hard time remember which wall the light switches are located in each room.

Last Tuesday, we closed just fine... we've done it 4 previous times for our own homes and 2 times for apartment buildings that we still own. (We still own two of the homes as well, ugh.) Anyway, it was an uneventful thing really but we were glad it was done. We went straight to the house to clean and work on a few things we knew needed to be fixed. The joys of owning a home. We didn't spend the night in the house for a few days so I made trips throughout the week moving boxes of things in my van. That helped out a lot when the big stuff got moved out on Saturday. We had help and that was so great!

Our first night was not picture perfect - I didn't sleep well, it was sort of cold, when I did sleep I had bad dreams, and I kept checking on the kids to make sure they had enough covers on. Luckily, the next night was better. Now we have vacuumed again, mopped the dining room and kitchen and put away most of the boxes that were in the library and living room so it actually looks great. (All the empty boxes and boxes with stuff I'm not sure what to do with yet are in my school room so we keep that door closed most of the time.) We have already rearranged the kids beds but I think we are set for a while. Kemiah moved into the bunk bed with the other girls and Ben's mattress is back on the floor. (That's where he started out back in Florida when he was not yet 2 years old.) He'll get a twin bunk bed when Kevin goes back to Massachusetts for the rest of our stuff - the bunk bed that Kevin shared with his older brother when they were boys. Anyway, we have figured out the heating issue so we are feeling good. The plumbing is almost done - just need to work on the shower upstairs. The electrical still needs to be tweaked but that might have to wait.

Kevin has done a fantastic job putting the food into the kitchen. He did joke about how I put things away because it's not quite as orderly. In my defense, it was completely different stuff - who can't put cans into a cupboard in an orderly way, but spices and things are a bit different. Anyway... I'm so thankful that my husband is so orderly, hard working and skilled in fixing things. He even fixed my vacuum today so it works every time I plug it in and I don't have to mess with it!

I just wanted to let you know that we are in the new house and things are going along just fine. Now I need to get that box of school stuff out of the garage and get ready to go back to school....... Maybe I should get rid of all those boxes in my school room before we try to have school in there. Anyone want to come and help?
So here we are at the signing. It's the only time I have taken a picture - Kevin laughed.

This is what the kids were doing while we were signing.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Sunday!

It started off like any other Sunday and we made it to Church by 9:45 - it starts at 10 (sometimes 10:05). All the kids sat down and as I walked to the end of the pew both Xiomara and Kemiah, who sit on the end by Daddy, said, "Sit by me, Mommy." They were both doing their best little faces so I had to sit down. Xiomara said, "Dad wants to sit by Ben because he loves him." It was funny. As we sat reverently, one of the members of the Bishopric came over and asked to talk to me. I was actually excited because I knew it would be a calling. He extended the call to be the Second Counselor in the Primary Presidency. Hurray and what fun! Kevin said he would support me so they were able to sustain me in Sacrament meeting. The meeting started on time and I was the first one to stand and share my testimony (if I don't do it early I don't do it at all). A few people later Xiomara and Kevin went up, with Marissa and Ben in tow. They were so sweet! Then we were off to Primary. Kemiah went to Nursery with Kevin and actually ended up doing really well on her own - Kevin was only in there for the first 10-20 minutes. The other kids all enjoy Primary - sharing time and class. This Primary gives out wooden blocks for the Articles of Faith that the kids memorize. My kids were so excited because they have been memorizing them in school and now they could get blocks too! We have been here just 6 Sunday's and Ben and Emily have passed off 1-12! Marissa kept forgetting the first few weeks so she only has 1-4 done but she'll get the others. Xiomara passed off the first one today! What a smart bunch of kids! It is so neat to see their smiles when they accomplish something like that. It was just a really nice Sunday.

I attended my first meeting in my new calling after Church. The Bishop meets with the women leaders to get their perspective on the ward and the auxiliaries they are in charge of. I didn't have much to say, seeing as how I'm new. Then one woman talked about how wonderful the ward is and that it really is a family. I truly understood what she meant but being an outsider to their family I had to pipe up a bit. [Background - there are at least 5 families that are multi-generational. So, you have the parents with at least 2 of their adult children, who have children, in the same ward. And those families are mixing so it really is just a big family, especially when most of them have grown up here and know everyone else like family.] I made mention that those of us coming from medical school may only be here a short time but we need to be welcomed into that family. Callings need to be extended, visiting teaching and home teaching routes assigned, purpose given or they'll just be coming to Church and not feeling the family connection. Fortunately, they all took it well and thanked me for bringing it up. They just needed an outsiders view. I guess I'm too used to Dominica where you show up, give the prayer, give a talk, get a calling and have assignments right away because we can't wait. Of course, we were used to the semester turn over, too. Anyway, it will be a new adventure and I'm excited to learn all I can and serve with the Primary!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Prego pictures

So here I am. This first picture was taken January 19 and I was probably 16 weeks along. This is when the bump was finally visible to others.

This picture was taken on Tuesday (2/2) and I was 18 weeks along. Bump getting bigger. I think I have probably added more weight to the back side but we won't focus on that.

I'll post more along the way. It was weird to me that I was almost 1/2 way through but now I'm still only almost 1/2 way through so time seems to be crawling now. I hate that part. I guess I should get busy with the other kids school stuff and then time will pass quickly and I won't even be able to keep track and then it will be the end before I even know it. Crazy.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Latest News!

The ultrasound went great! My appointment was at 10:30 and I was there early. They actually took me in early - BEFORE my appointment time. That was awesome! So then the doctor takes a look at the baby and I get to see the brain, the heart pumping, and the arms and legs moving. It was so wonderful, and really amazing that they can do that. She took measurements and I'm still due the early part of July. Then another doctor, or nurse, who had joined us spent 20 minutes trying to get a better look at the baby's face and private parts to identify the gender. She finally decided, and I agreed, that it appears we are having a GIRL. I will tell you that the baby was being a bit difficult so it took some time trying to figure it out. By the time I left, the lady had given me her pager number so that I can call her when I'm going back for another appointment between 25 and 30 weeks so we can take another look at the baby.

In the following picture you see the head on the right side. Then, if you can, make out the white line of one calf bone (and the word feet). That means her knees are at her forehead. We also got a view of her legs being crossed so it was a big challenge.

This was my first experience with the 3D view. It was kind of weird but I love this picture of her hand.

Here's another picture of the head to knee view. Silly girl.

Here's the best face shot. Because she was bent and her chin was at her chest, we couldn't get a clear shot. Her head is on the right side and you can see the dark spot of her right eye. (Maybe you can.) Kind of alien looking but it was just awesome to see!

Frakenmuth... the German settlement.

After my doctor appointment on Friday (1/29), we took a drive down to a town just southeast of Saginaw. It is where German settlers came and set up a city and the influence has continued and become a bit of a tourist attraction. It felt like we were in a ski resort type of town in Colorado or Utah. The shops were nice and they probably sell expensive items but that's not why we were there. This week they have been having "SNOWFEST" and, in my opinion, it's an excuse to get people out to buy things at these shops. The main events of the festival are the snow and ice sculptures. I wanted to take the kids to show them this unique form of art. I did bring hats and mittens but could have brought their snow pants, as well as their boots, because it was really that cold as we walked around. It was amazing to look at all the ice and snow people had turned into beautiful images.

So, here are some pictures of the town and area.

Shopping area with a waterfall that goes into the river below. There is a very nice walking bridge next to the road so that the shoppers can walk safely over the river.

The tower at the Bavarian Inn has several bells that would play at certain times and we just happened to be there at one of those times. It was neat (and loud) to hear the bells play their song. The only reason I didn't stop to listen and enjoy it better was because it was so cold and needed to keep moving.

Here are some pictures of the sculptures.

Giraffe head.



Obviously a lion and lioness.

They also had a petting "zoo" with camels, sheep, goats, and llamas. My kids were excited to see a camel in real life.

There were also pony rides for $2.00 but I forgot to grab cash so I only had $4.00 in my wallet and didn't want to let 2 kids rid and have to say no to all the others... so no one got to ride. Marissa was so sad, and I was sad for her because I really did mean to grab more cash because I knew she would want to ride. Oh bummer.

After we were all a bit frozen, we drove to a huge store in town, Bronners, that sells only Christmas stuff, all year round. It was amazing to see all the ornaments for any hobby or interest. They also had a room showcasing a large display of nativity scenes from around the world. It was really neat to see so many different, yet very similar scenes.

The front of the store has a huge nativity scene.

This was my favorite in the display inside - Joseph holding baby Jesus while Mary rests.

Kemiah found this giant Elmo doll and carried it around for a bit. Thought it was funny because it's really bigger than her.

Some of the displays in the store. Huge.

It was a fun trip. I'm glad Tamara was willing to go with us - I needed help watching my kids, and it's always fun to have friends with us. I will really enjoy visiting Frankenmuth again, during Spring, Summer or Fall and I'll bring the stroller.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What'd you do?

When my parents sent the kids Christmas present to Massachusetts, they included a bag of packing puff things that my kids like to build with. These things are made out of rice and will dissolve completely in water. When the kids lick them, they become sticky and they can do all sorts of stuff with them. Ben likes to build things - tanks, cannons, airplanes, boats, houses, etc. The girls figured out they could stick them to their bodies for even more fun. Marissa made some antennae and said she was an ant. Then she made rings and even a bracelet around her ankle. It was quite a sight to see them all decorated. Xiomara took hers off and so I just got a regular cute picture of her. I just thought I'd show off my creative crew!

I bet you didn't know you could have so much fun with packing peanuts?! Maybe you should get some and see what you can create!